About Rachael
Rachael has worked in the field of British Sign Language and Deaf awareness for over 25 years and, being Deaf herself, has accumulated an extensive, hands-on understanding of the barriers between Deaf people and the mainstream world.
Rachael is a fully qualified and highly respected teacher, assessor, mentor, translator and qualifications verifier - she has worked with many organisations, examination bodies and Ofqual in highlighting and creating optimal practices to promote accessibility to services, improved communication, inclusion tactics and relations between the Deaf and mainstream worlds.
As well as building bridges between the Deaf world and the mainstream, Rachael is also passionate in minimising the everyday barriers of the Deaf-blind community and has become a qualified Deaf-blind Communicator.
Having 4 young non-deaf children (who love to show off their signing skills to their friends), Rachael loves to contribute to her local community and schools and she makes a scrumptious banana cake!